Wednesday, July 22, 2009

It's all about the Presentation

I am soooooo tired of going to professional development courses to learn how to teach better and then have to sit through a Power Point presentation being 'read' to me. I've known that if I can learn everything I need to know from reading the slides, the presentation is lost. It is so important to know the important skills for making a professional looking presentation. I really think that I need to save this page in my 'favorites' and send it (anonymously, of course) to all my professional development people.


  1. Hi Karen! I have to say that I think I am guilty of having made power point presentations with way too many slides and way too much text:( oops! You are right that it is very frustrating and boring to sit through those kinds of presentations and there are many people out there who would benefit from reading that webpage!

  2. Karen,
    I agree totally about sending this to the staff development presenters. I absolutely hate having a ppt presentation read to me, and it is even worse when the handout for the presentation is just a copy of all the slides!

  3. Karen,
    I was going to print out all of the slides from that birthday powerpoint presentation I made you, but they didn't fit in the card...

