Thursday, July 9, 2009

Again with the decisions . . .

To be honest, our Project Understanding fills me with dread. Not because I fear planning a teaching unit nor am I paralyzed by the thought of presenting to my peers. Neither of those things bothers me one bit. I, however, become completely immobile when I have to decide on a topic. The extreme perfectionistic side of me makes it almost impossible to "just pick anything". I want it to be the perfect topic and the options are too wide open. I've been trying to practice my decision-making skills as I order lunch here. I have to force myself to order the first entree that seems tasty. If I analyze all of them, I would never eat lunch!

I am going to have to use my time during these next few days to narrow my choices and try to block the perfectionist side that screams for the perfect subject and the perfect presentation. I have to convince myself that perfect is not what I want. A very good something is better than a perfect nothing. Right?

On a happier note, I am proud of what I've accomplished this week in tech class. In two days we created a wiki, a blog and three websites. Now, I'm a regular blogger. Not bad for three days work!

1 comment:

  1. I agree. I am concerned with the unit presentation and also with how to make an ePortfolio. I too have to narrow my ideas and this gives me stress. Fortunately we will have time, I think, to do everything. my father always says to take one day at a time, so lets do it.
